How To Find And Change Your Shopify URL?

Sharing your Shopify store link (URL) plays an important role in attracting customers and expanding your store’s online presence. Your Shopify URL is a direct gateway for potential customers to access & explore your store, and get to know your products or services. This article will help you to locate and change your Shopify URL easily so that you do it just in a few minutes.

What Is The Shopify URL?

When you first create your Shopify store, Shopify provides you with a default URL that ends in For example, if you name your store “Awesome Sunglasses Shop”, your default URL may be “”. 

Many Shopify merchants end up replacing this default URL with a custom domain. This custom domain does not contain and is often seen as more professional for a store. Since merchants switch to a custom domain for their online storefront, it’s common for them to forget the original default Shopify URL.

However, even after setting up a custom domain, you may still need access to that initial URL at times. For example, you may need to use the default URL to log into your Shopify admin panel, or to install certain apps. 

How To Find Your Shopify URL?

Finding your Shopify store’s URL is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can locate it 

>>> via the Admin Panel:

Once you’re logged in to your Shopify account, you’ll be in your Shopify admin dashboard. From there, click on the “Settings” tab located at the bottom left corner of the screen.

In the Settings section, you’ll see a submenu, click on “Domains”, this will take you to a page where you can manage your domain settings. Your Shopify store’s primary URL will be displayed here. It typically looks like this: 

It’s helpful to keep a record of the default Shopify URL somewhere, even if you don’t use it actively.

Note: If you’ve connected a custom domain to your Shopify store, it will be listed here as well. Your custom domain will look like something


>>> via the page source code:

Go to your Shopify store, right-click on the page, and select View Page Source in Google Chrome or Show Page Source in Safari. Then you will see the HTML code of the store, press CTRL + F in Windows or Command ⌘ + F in macOS, and enter “”.

You may get more than 1 result, but typically all are the same and are your Shopify’s default domain. 


>>> via browser extensions:

If you are not familiar with viewing codes, you can use some third-party browser extensions like Koala Inspector. Besides displaying the Shopify domain, it also provides some additional information like used themes, installed apps, …

How To Change Your Shopify URL?

Now you know how to find your Shopify URL already, but why do we need to change it? Below are several reasons why you might want or need to change your Shopify store’s URL. 

Why Do You Need To Change Your Shopify URL?

Here are some common scenarios where changing your Shopify URL can be necessary or beneficial:

  1. Rebranding: If your business is undergoing a rebranding or a change in its name, logo, or overall image, you may want to update your URL to reflect the new brand identity.
  2. Domain Availability: Your initial Shopify URL might have included a subdomain like “” If you now want to use a custom domain (e.g.,, you’ll need to change the URL to match your new custom domain.
  3. Shorter or More Memorable URL: A shorter, more memorable URL can be easier for customers to remember and type into their browsers, potentially improving the accessibility of your store.
  4. Geographic Targeting: If you expand your business into different regions or countries, you might want to use country-specific domains (e.g., to make it clear which region you are targeting.
  5. SEO and Branding: A relevant and keyword-rich domain name can have a positive impact on search engine optimization (SEO) and branding. Changing your URL to include important keywords or phrases can improve your store’s visibility in search engine results.
  6. Legal Reasons: In some cases, legal issues or trademark disputes may necessitate a change in your store’s URL to avoid infringement or conflicts.
  7. Privacy and Security: If your previous domain was compromised or associated with security concerns, you might opt to change it to improve your store’s security and protect your customers’ data.
  8. Technical Issues: In rare cases, technical issues or domain-related problems may require changing your Shopify URL for troubleshooting or resolving issues.

When changing your Shopify URL, it’s crucial to consider the potential impact on your existing customers, SEO, and marketing efforts. Properly managing the change, including setting up redirects from the old URL to the new one, can help maintain your search engine rankings and ensure a smooth transition for your customers. 

Additionally, inform your customers about the change through email, social media, and other communication channels to minimize confusion.

How To Change Your Shopify URL?

You can change your ‘’ URL — but you may only do this once. 

It’s the same steps as you find your Shopify URL plus one more step. Go to Settings > Domains then click ‘Change to a new domain’. Then enter your new ‘’ URL and click ‘Add domain’.


Changing to a custom domain

If you want to change to a custom domain, such as You can add a domain to Shopify in the following ways.


Wrap Up

In summary, understanding how to find your Shopify URL and how to change the Shopify URL is fundamental for the prosperity of your e-commerce venture. It’s vital that your chosen domain mirrors your brand and remains memorable for your clientele. Whether you acquire your domain via Shopify or another domain provider, maintaining a uniform and polished URL is pivotal for the triumph of your online business.

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